Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Is Profit Booster App a scam?

Written by Sheila Baker, 36

I came upon the Profit Booster App about one month ago, while browsing online to get plane tickets for a vacation with my child. The webpage looked interesting and since the registration is free, I decided to sign up.

When I realized this is a trading application for Binary Options, I immediately smelled scam. I asked myself: is the Profit Booster App real? I mean, so many people today claim to have found a way to make money online, offering some fake software or trading method that will make you rich beyond your dreams… Luckily I never believed these scams, because they were always after a big one-time payment or monthly fee.

Anyway, I saw that the developer of this App, Peter, is offering his trading application completely for free, no downloads, no monthly fees and no extra charges. I was amazed! I thought to myself: maybe this is worth a second look?

WHO is using the Profit Booster App?

On this page, I found emails sent to Peter from different people around the world, mostly non-experienced traders, expressing their gratitude for the App. Also, I have found LIVE trading accounts of other members posted at the bottom of the page.

Email testimonial by South African student

What is the Profit Booster App?

This is an online trading application for Binary Options. The App is based
on algorithms which analyze the financial market and perform trades for me
completely automatically. This means that no matter where I am in the world,
and no matter if I don't have experience in trading, I can use this trading App
to make money in Binary Options.

Profit Booster App advantages

As I understood, the Profit Booster App is integrated with a fully tested and regulated broker, Opteck. This integration allows the App to trade on that platform and find the most profitable trades before any other trader who is trading manually. This means that I have an edge over the most experienced traders!

How did I make my first profits online using the Profit Booster App?

After watching the tutorial video, I was finally convinced of this App's abilities.
I read the testimonials, followed the instructions and signed up using the form
under 'Step 1', at the bottom of the page.

I made a small investment of $300, just to have peace of mind, and activated the App. After I finished cooking dinner, I logged in to my account and discovered that in those 20 minutes I was away from the computer, an extra $310 were added to my account! I thought to myself, maybe it was just luck, let's try this again.

Guess what? By the end of my first week, I already made over $1150
just from clicking a few buttons!

My conclusions:

Profit Booster App is the REAL DEAL. For the first time ever, there is
a trading application that actually works. I say, don't hesitate anymore, this is a great opportunity to make some extra money!

You can sign up using this link.
Leave a comment below and tell me about your experience!

What does the Profit Booster App

Sheila .B.
A very satisfied Profit Booster App user.

Edited, 2.6.15:
Many people have shared their success stories with me after trading using the Profit Booster app, following my review about it. So I decided it's time I will also share my success. This is my trading account from last week: